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Quick Tips

  • Help the worm get to the bottom by making words and clearing a path!  

  • Letters do NOT have to be next to each other.  

  • Valid words will turn green in the word bar at the bottom of the screen.  Tap the bar to submit the word. 

  • Invalid words appear red in the word bar. 

  • To clear an invalid word and start a new word, click the word bar when it's red.

  • Keep an eye on the wick on the right side of your screen!  It's game over if the wick reaches the bottom before the worm. 

  • 3 letter words are limited, use them wisely. Watch the dots on the bottom dashboard to see how many you have left. 

  • Use all of the "Gem Tiles" in every level to unlock secret levels!

  • Drag bombs onto letters if you need help clearing the way. 

  • Drag a potion bottle onto the board to shuffle the tiles and get all new letters.

  • Turn the timer off or change the difficulty under Options found on the Title screen.

  • Proper nouns such as names of people, places, etc. will not be accepted as valid game words.

Detailed Instructions


Clear a path for the worm to reach the bottom of the screen.  As you make words, the letter blocks disappear creating an open path for Worm. 

How to Make Words

Just start tapping letters!  You can choose any letter on the screen to make words.  They do not need to be next to each other...if you can see the letter, you can use it.


The Word Wow dictionary is based on the Scrabble dictionary. Words that are hyphenated, capitalized (proper nouns including names and places), or apostrophized are not allowed.  


Your letters will appear on the submit bar on the bottom dashboard.  Incomplete and invalid words will appear red.  You can clear a misspelled or invalid word by tapping the submit bar.  Valid words will appear green.  Submit them by tapping the submit bar. Tip: In French and Spanish all accents have been removed for ease of play. 


The wick is your timer during game play.  You will find it on the right side of the play screen.  The wick ignites when you start the level.  If the wick reaches the ground before the worm, it's game over.  If you beat the wick to the bottom you win!  

NOTE: You can turn the wick off and play without any time pressure.    Go to 'Options' from the Title screen.


You can earn up to 3 stars on each level.  Stars are freed by using a star tile in a word.  Once the star is free, collect it by guiding the worm to it.  Stars are like tiles...if you remove tiles below the star it will fall.  Sometimes you will need to do this to bring the star down to the worm.


Word Wow Around the World has at least one gem tile in each level.  Collect all gem tiles on a level to earn the full can watch it fill up on the top dashboard.  To collect them, use the gem tiles in valid keep them, you must successfully complete the level.  If you fail, the gem tiles will still be available the next time you play the level in order to try again. 

If you collect all gems, on all levels, in any given country you will unlock the three bonus levels!  

Booster bombs are used to blast away letters helping to clear a path for the worm.  If you need some help, drag a bomb onto the screen and release it on top of the letters you'd like to destroy. You'll start off the game with a few bombs and can earn more by using a bomb tile in a word.  You may also purchase additional bombs from the pause screen.



Shuffle potion is used when you need a fresh set of letter tiles. Shuffles appear on the bottom dashboard.  If you need some help, drag a potion onto the screen and release it. You can randomly win more shuffles by using the gift tile in a word.  You may also purchase additional shuffles from the pause screen.

3 Letter Words

There are a limited number of 3 letter words that you are allowed to make on each level, so use them wisely!  They are represented by dots on your bottom dashboard. Each dot allows you to make one 3 letter word. If you run out of 3 letter words you'll have to make longer words to finish that level. 

Gift Tile

Use a gift tile in a valid word to receive bonuses including: 3 letter words, keys, shuffles, additional time and bonus points!


Collect keys by using a gift tile in a valid word.  Collect as many as you can before successfully completing the level to access a luggage rack where you can use your luck to find free boosters!

WORD WOW Scoring

Scoring is based on the letters used, and the length of the word.   Words longer than 9 letters earn a bonus 5,000 points for each letter over 9.   For example, a 15 letter word would be worth 30,000 bonus points (given at the end of the level).


  1 point for A, E, I, O, U, L, N, R, S, T 

  2 points for D, G

  3 points for B, C, M, P

  4 points for F, H, W, Y, V

  5 points for K

  8 points for J, X

10 points for Q, Z


For words longer than 3 letters you'll earn more points.  

4 letter words = 2x

5 letter words = 3x

6 letter words = 4x  ...  etc  ...

Each star collected is worth 15,000 points.

Completing the Gem for the level is worth 10,000 points.

There is a multiplier for words made in rapid succession.  Make a word within 5 seconds of the last to continue the multiplier.

Bonus Levels

There are bonus levels at the end of each country. After collecting all gems in each level, 3 bonus levels will become available on the level screen. Click to open a bonus level and get ready for a challenge! 

Difficulty Setting

There are 3 difficulty settings available in Word Wow Around the World.  The default mode is "normal".  You can change the difficulty setting by navigating to the main screen and selecting the "options" button.  

Easy = 35% more time per level.   4 Additional three letter words allowed

Hard = 20% more points for the entire level.  4 less three letter words allowed.   10% less time to complete the level.


Word Wow Around the World tracks and displays your ranking among all players around the world (including Apple, Google Play, Amazon and Mac OSX).  Your level ranking can be found on the level complete screen. Your overall "whole game" ranking is shown on the world selection screen which also displays your "whole game" score.  The "whole game" ranking is based on your score from all of the levels added together.  Players that are farther in the game and completed more levels will of course have a higher ranking.  Tip: Completing the bonus levels will greatly increase your ranking!

Around the World also has a Local Ranking which is your ranking of all the players within a 20km radius of your location.   This means you can see how you rank within your city or area since the world can be a bit big and ranking #35,342 is less inspiring than being #9 in all of London for example.    

On the Country selection screen you can tap on the Local Ranking label at the top of the screen.   It will take you to a page which will allow you to set your location.   By default it should be fairly accurate, but you may wish to fine tune your location or see how you rank in places around the world. 

Worm Holes

Some levels will have worm holes which will take you to another part of the board.   Some levels will have more than one path downward, where you can choose to keep falling down, or guide the worm into a worm hole to take you to a new section of the board which MAY contain gems or other bonus tiles.   If you are unable to complete a gem on a level, look for a worm hole that you had not previously taken, and it's likely that you will find the missing gem part(s) in this previously untravelled section.



On the opening screen you will find a connect to Facebook button. Click this button and proceed by logging in to Facebook.  You will also be able to play against your friends and see who dominates!

Note : We do not collect or use any of your personal Facebook information.   We cannot post to your wall without your consent.


There are three types of in-app purchases that you may see in the game :

Remove Ads: This in-app purchase will remove all ads from the game.

Bombs: You may purchase additional bombs at any time. There are several packages to choose from with discounts applied to volume bundles. Purchased bombs will not disappear until you use them (ie. if you shut down the game you will not lose any purchased bombs).

Shuffles: You may purchase additional shuffle potion at any time. There are several packages to choose from with discounts applied to volume bundles. Purchased shuffles will not disappear until you use them.

Synchronizing Multiple Devices

If you would like to play Word Wow Around the World on more than one device (or if you get a new device) then you can synchronize your game progress to a second or more devices.  On the title screen of the game there is a "Save your Progress" button which will allow you to login with Google, Facebook or Amazon (Amazon only on Android devices).  Doing so will allow you to access your game progress from any other device that you login with in the same way.   

Note : We do not store your login or passwords and this is a completely secure way of preserving your game data.


We love hearing your feedback! There are a few ways to send us messages.


If possible, please send us messages through the app. This way we will know which version of the game you are playing and be able to help you faster. Go to the main screen and choose the options button (it looks like a gear), there is a link to leave feedback.


You can also go to our website and go to the contact us page.


You can also email us directly at


If you have a moment please rate our app!  The success of a mobile game relies heavily on ratings.  Great ratings means more players...allowing us to create more levels and new games!  Navigate to the main screen and choose the options button.  In there you will see a link to rate the game.  You can also rate any of the Word Wow games directly in Apple and Mac App Stores, Google Play or Amazon App store online.

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